
So Cody is now 30 months, or two and a half years old so I’m excited to inform that Cody will be put into a transition class September of 2013. What that means is that he will be put in a classroom with a few kids and two teachers, followed by either his physical or occupational therapist and will be like a “getting ready to go to school” class. So in order for him to go to school, he gets transition testing of every area of his abilities, understanding, gross motor, fine motor, express communication, etc. today we finally finished the Understanding portion and he scored at a level of 31 months (a month older than he is!) so he’s smart and up to level of cognitive understanding as other toddlers his age! Even some of the higher level questions he was able to get, such as picking a knife when asked “what do you cut with” which seems simple to anybody but not to a young toddler. I’m both so anxious and excited for school because this will allow him to learn outside of the home and even develop more in his gross motor skills! He learns things so quickly and I’m so very proud of him! His speech therapist even said he’s getting more advanced technology for communication sometime in September when he will be ready for it. I don’t think I have quite mentioned how much I love these wonderful ladies. They’re so sweet and patient and I can just feel a certain attachment to Cody because of how hard he works and how much improvement he’s shown in the past few months! They’re even starting to see a little personality come out in him that they just can’t get enough of. Just as his OT said, mischievous activity is a sign of high cognitive understanding. He really is mischievous and sarcastic– already at a young age, I’m scared to see what he will be like as a teenager!!

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