The Purpose for This Blog


Welcome to Walking Forward!

Four years ago, when I became a mother at the ripening age of seventeen I felt unsure and intimidated by the extremely tiny human in my arms.

I had no place to turn to for advice and my closest friends had no idea what I was going through.

This blog has many purposes but mostly to inform, to support, to create awareness and to give you an insight on what Cody and I’s life is like on a regular basis.
This is a story within a story of a lifelong journey, a roller coaster of emotions that fluctuates between fast and slow, high and low. A realization that life can only move forward and to never look back.

The path we follow is not always the one we plan for, Maybe it’s one that’s been chosen for us by a higher power.
One that has a purpose of meaning for each one of us.  Just as I hope this blog forms a sort of meaning for you!

hope you enjoy our story, it’s not a typical one🙂